Saturday, June 18, 2011

Professional Learning Plan

You can view my professional learning plan below:


  1. Lisa,

    I REALLY liked this personal learning plan! One thing that I thought seemed really great was how you had a specific, set goal. You know that you have the IPod Touch technology and I think it is great that you aren't satisfied with only using it for select things in the classroom (warm-ups, research,etc). The fact that you are making the choice to go above and beyond shows the maturity and growth you must have learned through these courses. I feel like a lot of the courses are established to let us touch base with different technologies and then identify what particular technologies could really be used in our specific teaching practice. I could tell from this video that you are very passionate about using technology to really enhance student learning. Great job!

  2. Lisa,

    As I listened to the first part of your reflection, I felt like maybe you were thinking "So many resources, so little time!" like I was! I really liked how you made an emphasis on making sure the technology served a purpose, and isn't just to have something fun and cool. So often the technology takes away from the lesson, when it is meant to improve the lesson. Great thought.

    Great reflection also on your current use and future use of the mobile devices you have available to you. I think you are right, in that the Classroom 2.0 site will be a great resource to help learn new apps and new ways to use these in the classroom.

    Well done!

  3. I think you really hit on the most important part of all three of these classes and that is simply gaining knowledge on a large variety of technologies, but more importantly is connecting with other teachers for additional resources. I loved what you said about using Classroom 2.0 and Google reader to connect with others to expand your knowledge even further.

    Hearing you list everything that we've worked on and accomplished blew me away because its gone by so fast and I still can't believe we did all of that! Nice job reflecting both on the past and the direction you are headed. You are very lucky to already incorporate so much technology in your classroom. I can't wait to hear what else you do with it!

