It's hard to believe that CEP 811 has already come to an end. It felt like this course really flew by! For my final assignment, I was asked to reflect on this course. Below are the questions and responses.
- What are some things that you have learned about effective teaching strategies when integrating technology?
I learned that when integrating technology into the classroom, it is important to test out whatever technology format you plan to use. With my STAIR assignment, I had to go through the entire thing testing out correct answers and incorrect answers. It seemed like just when I thought it was perfect there would be another minute detail that needed to be fixed. If I hadn't tested this out thoroughly before giving it to students to complete independently, it could have been a real problem. The STAIR assignment also taught me a great way to use PowerPoint so that students could access it while using different learning strategies. I also learned that it is very important to design the technology-based task with the assessment goals already planned out.
- How did integrating web-based technologies help you think about and evaluate uses of technology?
Integrating web-based technologies, such as the PowerPoint STAIR, helped me to think about PowerPoints in a different way. In the past, I have used it as a tool for students to create presentations. Now, I know that I can actually use PowerPoint as a way to lead students through a lesson independently and as a way to assess their learning. It helped me to realize that technology can be used in a variety of formats and it is important to explore all different options. I also learned the importance of evaluating the type of technology used for to make sure it adds value to the lesson and isn't just being used for the sake of using technology.
- How have you met your own personal goals for learning about technology integration?
With this course, I learned about MERLOT, which will be an incredible resource, UDL principles, how to use Wikis, information about online learning and using technology with face to face learning, and much more. I have had the opportunity to reflect on my own lesson plans and the technology used within them, created/edited a wiki, made a web portfolio, and created a STAIR Power Point. All of these experiences have helped me to become a more knowledgeable teacher, especially when it comes to integrating technology. I feel that I have met personal goals for learning about technology integration because I tried new technological formats and analyzed the uses of each type of technology. I also have shown myself that although I may not know how to do something when it comes to new technology, with persistance and online guidance, I can learn. When first trying to publish to my afs space, I struggled with how to correctly do so. I had to watch the videos provided multiple times before I got the process right. It's always such a learning experience when you struggle and struggle with something and then finally achieve success. I am grateful for what I learned during this course because I know it will make me a better teacher for my students.
- Do you have any new goals? What are your plans for reaching your new goals and your long-term goals after this course is over?
My goal is simply to continue learning and continue being open to new things. Coming into the CEP courses I thought I knew so much about technology and thought that I used technology effectively in my classroom a great amount. Now I am seeing that there is so much out there that I can still learn, and of course, it is always changing. I look forward to seeing what other great tips I learn from my future CEP courses. During CEP 810, my long term goal was to get into the MAET program. At this point I have already been accepted to the MAET program, so my new long term goal is to learn as much as I can from each course and apply it to my own classroom. I also hope to one day work as a technology supervisor in a school. Ideally, I would love to be able to go to other teachers' classes and teach them how to effectively integrate technology. I also am interested in teaching online courses through NCVPS someday. I really don't know what the future holds for me, but I'm sure that the MAET program is my first step on the journey.
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